
Mulberry garden Learn more about Mulberry garden

  • What are the advantages of interplanting vegetables in mulberry garden in winter? A case of getting rid of poverty and becoming rich

    What are the advantages of interplanting vegetables in mulberry garden in winter? A case of getting rid of poverty and becoming rich

    In recent years, the mulberry garden interplanting vegetables in winter has become popular, because the mulberry garden is generally used only in May-October every year, and it is often abandoned there from November to April of the following year, which not only wastes land but also requires no economic income. So more and more

    2020-11-09 Mulberry garden winter interplanting vegetables what are the advantages attached in recent years
  • What about the low yield of mulberry garden?

    What about the low yield of mulberry garden?

    Mulberry garden has been planted for many years, and the output has not been high. How should we transform it? The low yield of mulberry garden can be reformed by the following methods: first, infill replanting 1, pressing plant 2, strong seedling filling: mulberry garden with wide row spacing can replant strong mulberry seedlings between plants or rows. Second, transplanting renewal.

  • How to manage the mulberry garden in spring?

    How to manage the mulberry garden in spring?

    How to manage the mulberry garden in spring? The main points of spring mulberry garden management are as follows: strengthen fertilizer and water management. Spring fertilizer can be applied about 20 days before mulberry germination. The mulberry trees used for feeding young silkworms were applied first, and the strong silkworms were applied after mulberry; mulberry fields on clay land were applied first, and sandy land was applied later. It usually starts at the beginning of March.

  • What are the modes of interplanting vegetables in mulberry gardens?

    What are the modes of interplanting vegetables in mulberry gardens?

    It is understood that mulberry interplanting can not only increase farmers' income, but also help to eliminate mulberry overwintering pests, increase mulberry soil fertility and improve soil permeability. In recent years, more and more farmers have adopted this interplanting method, which has not only stabilized the mulberry area, but also mentioned

    2020-11-09 Mulberry garden interplanting vegetables there are which several models it is understood that
  • Techniques of raising Earthworms in Mulberry Garden

    Techniques of raising Earthworms in Mulberry Garden

    Earthworms, commonly known as earth dragons, also known as eel, are representative animals of the annelid class Oligochaeta. Let's take a look at the techniques for raising earthworms in mulberry plantations. At present, most of the existing mulberry gardens can be used as breeding grounds for earthworms, especially those with sparse planting.

    2020-11-08 Mulberry aquaculture earthworms technology commonly known as earthworms and
  • How to manage mulberry trees in spring?

    How to manage mulberry trees in spring?

    How can mulberry trees be planted to achieve high yield? Mulberry is a perennial woody plant. Mulberry leaves are not only the main nutritional organs of mulberry trees, but also the main "food" of silkworms. Therefore, the leaf yield of mulberry will directly affect the healthy growth of silkworm. The high-yield cultivation techniques of mulberry leaves can be considered from the following aspects. 1...

  • What are the prospects for mulberry planting? How to control pests in the process of growth?

    What are the prospects for mulberry planting? How to control pests in the process of growth?

    Mulberry is a kind of tree planted all over our country, which has certain economic value. Mulberry leaves can be used as feed for silkworms, mulberry branches can be made into baskets and other weaving utensils, mulberry bark can be used for papermaking, and mulberry fruit can be used for fresh.

    2020-11-08 Mulberry planting prospect how growth process emergence pests
  • Variety selection and Garden Construction Technology of fresh Fruit Mulberry

    Variety selection and Garden Construction Technology of fresh Fruit Mulberry

    Variety selection and garden construction technology of fresh fruit mulberry in order to enrich the variety diversity of fruit trees, make up for the vacancy of early products in the park, and increase the fun of picking by tourists, Hefei Taokei Modern Agricultural Development Co., Ltd. introduced Baiyu King and South Korea from Zhejiang in 2011.

  • The method of planting mulberry trees

    The method of planting mulberry trees

    First, the choice of mulberry garden. 1. The land of mulberry garden should be far away from the field, mainly to prevent the field from being polluted by pesticides when controlling pests. 2. Stay away from the factory to prevent the pollution of mulberry leaves after the discharge of factory waste gas, soot and sewage, thus affecting the safety of silkworm farming. 3. Choose fertile land

    2020-11-08 Planting mulberry method one garden choice .
  • How to plant mulberry trees on steep slope farmland and hilly terraces? What kind of choice is good?

    How to plant mulberry trees on steep slope farmland and hilly terraces? What kind of choice is good?

    Different geographical terrain environment in planting mulberry precautions and variety selection will be different, then how to plant mulberry in steep slope farmland, hilly terrace? What kind of choice is good? If mulberry trees are planted on a steep slope, we can adopt three models

    2020-11-09 such as where steep sloping farmland hills terraces planting mulberry trees
  • Mulberry cultivation techniques

    Mulberry cultivation techniques

    Mulberry is a perennial woody plant, is a long-lived tree species, naturally growing mulberry has the longest life span of more than a thousand years. The cultivated mulberry is affected by artificial cutting and long-term leaf harvesting, and its life is much shorter, but its full-growing period is more than 10 years. First, the establishment of the new mulberry garden (1) choose the site to choose the soil layer.

  • It takes 600 kilograms of mulberry leaves to raise a silkworm egg.

    It takes 600 kilograms of mulberry leaves to raise a silkworm egg.

    It takes 600 kilograms of mulberry leaves to raise a silkworm egg.

  • Management of mulberry, tea and fruit in autumn and winter

    Management of mulberry, tea and fruit in autumn and winter

    1. Winter mulberry field management to do a good job in mulberry field management in winter is not only to lay a good foundation for mulberry growth in the coming year, but also an important measure to improve mulberry yield and quality. 1. Clear the garden: after the mulberry leaves fall, all the residual leaves and weeds in the mulberry garden are collected for composting or burning, so as to eliminate the pathogens and overwintering pests hidden in mulberry leaves and weeds. 2. End: before turning in winter, tying mulberry strips with straw is not only beneficial to turning and fertilizing in winter, but also can lure pests to sneak into the bunch of grass to survive the winter.

  • Management of mulberry, tea and fruit in autumn and winter

    Management of mulberry, tea and fruit in autumn and winter

    1. Winter mulberry field management to do a good job in mulberry field management in winter is not only to lay a good foundation for mulberry growth in the coming year, but also an important measure to improve mulberry yield and quality. 1. Clear the garden: after the mulberry leaves fall, all the residual leaves and weeds in the mulberry garden are collected for composting or burning, so as to eliminate the pathogens and overwintering pests hidden in mulberry leaves and weeds. 2. End: before turning in winter, tying mulberry strips with straw is not only beneficial to turning and fertilizing in winter, but also can lure pests to sneak into the bunch of grass to survive the winter. 3. Winter turning: the depth of turning soil is controlled by

  • What are the diseases and insect pests in mulberry planting?

    What are the diseases and insect pests in mulberry planting?

    What are the diseases and insect pests in mulberry planting? How to prevent and cure it? Also ask experienced netizens to help introduce common mulberry pests such as mulberry inchworm, mulberry caterpillar and mulberry weevil; mulberry diseases include mulberry ointment disease and shell insect; the planting network has sorted out the prevention and control methods of the above diseases and insect pests, which are listed below for netizens' reference. ...

  • What are the requirements for light, temperature, moisture and soil for mulberry growth?

    What are the requirements for light, temperature, moisture and soil for mulberry growth?

    Mulberry trees in China are mostly distributed in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, and now they are widely cultivated in the north and south. So specifically, what are the requirements for light, temperature, water and soil for mulberry growth? 1. Mulberry is a positive plant and needs sufficient light to correct it.

    2020-11-09 Mulberry growth yes light temperature moisture soil
  • What should be paid attention to in fruit mulberry planting?

    What should be paid attention to in fruit mulberry planting?

    Prepare to plant fruit mulberry, what should be paid attention to in fruit mulberry planting? The row spacing of general fruit mulberry garden is 1.0m × 2.0m, and that of rapid dense planting garden or greenhouse is 0.4m × 0.6m × 1.3m 1.5m. Shanguo 408, Xinhongbao or Shaansang 404 with upright branches and compact tree shape should be planted with higher planting density; the branches are oblique and open.

  • Luo optical fiber mulberry leaf pig raising "planting and construction" cycle to get rich

    Luo optical fiber mulberry leaf pig raising

    Luo optical fiber mulberry leaf pig raising "planting and construction" cycle to get rich

  • Liyang planting mulberry and sericulture: Bombyx mori and Cordyceps sinensis are integrated

    Liyang planting mulberry and sericulture: Bombyx mori and Cordyceps sinensis are integrated

    Liyang planting mulberry and sericulture: Bombyx mori and Cordyceps sinensis are integrated

  • The method of raising chickens with mulberry leaves

    The method of raising chickens with mulberry leaves

    Generally speaking, after the chicks are born, they can eat the powder made from dried mulberry leaves to make the chicks adapt to the taste of mulberry leaves. When the chick grows to the young chicken, it can be put into the mulberry garden to eat mulberry leaves to replenish the body. In general, the water content of fresh mulberry leaves is high.

    2020-11-08 Using mulberry leaves raising chickens methods abstracts general chicks after birth